Who we are

My name is Chelsi Sorensen- I am the Founder and Owner of Kinetics of California. I have been a Personal Trainer for 19 years and a Kinesiologist & Kinesiotherapist for 9 years. I have a Bachelors of Science degree in Kinesiology from California State University Fullerton. During my studies in pre-medicine, I was pursuing medical school to become a Doctor. I realized that becoming a Kinesiologist, I could help people heal and recover diseases without the limitations of having to use pharmaceuticals to do it along with alot of other limitations I was learning as I was exploring medical school. I have always had a big heart and passion to see people get healing in their bodies and to become healthier. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to become a nurse or a doctor. I was often sick as a child and in and out of hospitals and doctors offices. I remember feeling the agony of wanting to feel better and healthier but I felt trapped in this system that only provided limited solutions. I knew there was more to it. Both of my parents were pretty active and healthy so it didnt make alot of sense other than maybe the vaccines, the medicine and the food I was intaking had alot to do with why I was always sick. Though both of my parents were health conscious and ate healthier than the average American, we still ate foods with ingredients that weren’t pure. At the age of 19 I was in a car accident that could have taken my life had I not been as physically fit as I was. During the recovery process I started studying the human body and how to heal through nutrition and movement. I had doctors telling me I would not be able to ever squat heavy weights again because of the tissue damage in my back from the accident. I took that on as a challenge to figure out how to fully heal and recover my body in which I did after two years of applying what I was learning. I have since squatted over 175 lbs. During my recovery, my goals changed from pursuing a dream to be a fitness competitor and model to simply becoming the best version of myself by being healthy from the inside out and helping others do the same.

I have also wanted to help Americans overcome the obesity epidemic in America and see people use nutrition and movement for medicine instead of pharmaceuticals. Sometimes pharmaceuticals are needed with certain diseases and issues but I found that too many people just take them as a quick fix and get dependent on them. From losing my Grandfather to liver cancer, seeing my Grandmother battle thyroid disease and being diagnosed with hypothyroid disease and ulcers and gastritis of the stomach at the age of 21 years old, I wanted to discover a new way for people to overcome diseases. I learned that I first had to overcome and that I did. My thyroid healed, my stomach healed and all of the musculoskeletal injuries from the car accident healed. I got off all medications and started feeling much better! I started working as a Personal Trainer and have witnessed thousands of people overcoming diseases, healing injuries and becoming healthy! I became a Kinesiologist in 2017 after graduating with my Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology. I was working in a gym where Crossfit clients would come in with injuries. I started performing muscle therapy on them and witnessed injuries healing that would normally take at least a year, in a much shorter amount of time. People were getting out of physical pain and their mobility was skyrocketing just after one session of doing muscle therapy on them. I started offering Kinesiotherapy and have seen hundreds of patients overcome injuries and diseases and get totally pain free. I know what its like living with pain and then being pain free and I want every person to have the same experience!

Kinetics of California was birthed out of a season of expansion and growth in 2024. I was living in Franklin, Tennessee at the time and I saw the overwhelming need for a new movement of Health Professionals to arise and use our voices. The world is longing to become healthy especially since the Covid pandemic. After moving to Franklin, TN from Newport Beach, CA I realized how much people need simple education on health and nutrition. Being in Newport Beach for 14 years where health and fitness is a way of life, I learned how much we have access to in California when it comes to health. Though we in California still need proper education and support like the rest of the US and the world. We have some of the top health and fitness professionals in our state and we need to continue growing and expanding and leading the way for America to become Healthy Again. I learned that California has paved a way for the rest of the US to be healthy as a way of life. While in Tennessee, most patients I was seeing had been on medications, eating a diet that is promoted through mainstream American culture and I did not realize how many people didn’t have the proper education on the reality of our health and medical system in America today. Before I even heard about Make America Healthy Again, I found myself on my knees desperate for more help. Seeing so many people battling sickness and trying to get better. For more health professionals to rise up and help fight the corruption in the food industry in America and big Pharma that is killing peoples bodies and destroying our children and our health. I was cooking meals for clients to help provide them a tangible solution to not only heal from the inside out, but to feel better and have more energy. I wanted to motivate people to make better food choices and understand that we can cook food with pure ingredients. While In Tennessee, I had a client who had a cancer scare. The doctors had detected colon cancer in her body. She hired me as her Personal Trainer and I cooked meals for her while she was on the program. Sure enough in 3 months the cancer was gone, she had lost a good amount of weight, built some muscle and transformed from the inside out. The best part of it was seeing her face shine as she become a happier and healthier version of herself! I love helping people and im so passionate about Health and Wellness! Please book a consultation or a session or email me with any questions! I cant wait to meet you and see how I can best serve you!

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